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Breast Cancer By A New Name: Redefining Disease For Better Patient Outcomes

Everyone knows someone with cancer, so this question may be confusing, but: Does anyone have cancer anymore?

What I mean is: At first, there was cancer. Now, there is chronic myeloid leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia; primary colorectal lymphomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumors; and six subgroups of triple-negative breast cancer. We’ve outgrown the blanket term “cancer,” and it’s making a positive difference in how we treat and overcome disease.

In this piece, I’ll discuss breast cancer’s move from location-specific to genetic aberration categorization and treatment. With this in mind, I will reflect on the implications of using broad descriptors for disease, how technology can redefine disease and how we can transfer learnings from breast cancer to other diseases.

Where’s The Cancer?

Historically, humans categorized cancer by its location within the body.

And I mean historically: Breast cancer was noted even before Hippocrates described its stages in the early 400s B.C.E. People experimented with location-based surgical procedures up to the mid-1800s, when William Halsted introduced the radical mastectomy, eliminating the whole breast, lymph nodes under the arm and chest muscles under the breast. The procedure prevailed until a less disfiguring approach was created in the 1900s.

Categorizing cancers by their location seemed reasonable based on survivability; brain or lung cancer were viewed as more dangerous than foot cancer. However, surgery was not always viable and did not always prevent cancer regrowth. Because of this, the use of radiation (in 1937) and chemotherapy (in the 1960s) grew popular.

Hormonal Biomarker Revolution

But differences between cancers residing in one location (and similarities between cancers in different locations) began to emerge. With breast cancer, hormonal differences related to tumor growth opened a path for treatment.

In the second step of cancer development, mutated cells are exposed to growth promoters like estrogen and progesterone. About 80% of breast cancers are estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) and 65% are both estrogen and progesterone receptor-positive (ER/PR+, also called hormonal receptor-positive, HR+). By analyzing a sample of cancer cells, pathologists can see whether a patient’s tumor has receptors for estrogen or progesterone. Hormonal therapy to block estrogen and progesterone in HR+ patients can quell the growth and return of cancer and reduce tumor size.

In 1998, the FDA approved Tamoxifen, an anti-estrogen medication and a pioneer drug in the selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) class. Unlike chemotherapy, which kills healthy and unhealthy rapidly dividing cells, SERMs (used in conjunction with chemo) presented an opportunity to target the cancer specifically.

However, a portion of patients—around 25%—have no hormone receptors and, therefore, don’t respond to hormonal therapies. This group includes triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (HER2+) patients.

First HER2

HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is a gene that makes a protein found on the surface of all breast cells except for the tumors of some TNBC patients. Though HER2 was discovered in the 1980s, it was combined with hormonal markers to define cancer further in 2013. TNBC patients were named HR-/HER2-, and the three other major breast cancer subtypes are defined: HR+/HER2-, HR+/HER2+, and HR-/HER2+.

This ability to classify patients as HER2+ allowed for the development of Herceptin and the other HER2 targeting agents. Despite these treatments being able to treat patients well, there were no options for patients who weren’t HER2+.

Then HER2-Low

In 2022, AstraZeneca’s HER2-low drug, Enhertu, was approved. As the first HER2-directed medicine to be approved for treating patients with HER2-low metastatic breast cancer, it was a feat.

Approximately 50% to 60% of all breast cancer cases are characterized as HER2-low. These tumors contain lower levels of the HER2 protein on the surface of their cells than other types of cancer. Immunohistochemistry tests are conducted to establish if a biopsy specimen contains these low levels.

Enhertu blocks signals that help cancer cells grow and divide and can also help to slow down or stop the spread of cancer cells. In clinical trials, Enhertu “cut the risk of disease progression or death by 50% and the risk of death by 36% over the physician’s choice of chemo in patients with previously treated HER2-low metastatic breast cancer.” In other words, the creation of Enhertu has led to better response rates in a new category of patients that initially had very few treatment options.

What’s Next

With breast cancer, over time, the recategorization of disease impacted the development of treatments. People will continue to say, “I have breast cancer.” At the research level, however, we need to continue to go beyond that to tailor treatments to the biological systems in which they’ll exist.

We should leverage technology to provide nuance into how we define cancer and improve diagnosis and treatment. For example, technology that improves biomarkers beyond just genetic mutations can lead to better patient stratification and improved understanding of how a drug impacts biology, leading to better targeted drugs.

We should consider how to apply what we’ve seen with breast cancer to other cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases and more. By studying the molecular pathways, genetic mutations and biomarkers associated with breast cancer, findings could hopefully be transferred to other types of cancer, such as colorectal or lung cancer. Similarly, by further defining neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune conditions, researchers may be able to better identify if “risky” or controversial treatments could actually benefit smaller patient subgroups.

Finally, we should remember that our definitions around cancer will impact patients, pharma R&D, fundraising, patient advocacy, insurance and investment in tech. Exact descriptions of disease are invaluable for patients seeking treatment options, oncologists reviewing clinical trials that may benefit their patients, and the progression of more precise therapies.


We’re seeing these elements play into each other with the advancement of precision medicine, but there’s still a long way to go before we can make the word “cancer” obsolete. We must first recognize that redefining cancer isn’t just semantics but a gateway to more effective, targeted treatments.

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